We are healthy and well, and we certainly hope you are too!

We are working hard to bring you safe, fresh and delicious food in these uncertain times. Please know that we are taking all the suggested precautions to prevent the spread of this virus, including:
  • Quarantining our egg cartons: best available evidence to date suggest that COVID-19 cannot persist in cardboard for more than 24 hours. We are being extra safe and quarantining our egg cartons for a minimum of 9 days.
  • Wearing masks and practicing physical distancing of 6 feet or more with everyone that visits the farm.
  • Closely following the advice provided by Ottawa Public Health and other health agencies such as the Public Health Agency of Canada and Ontario Public Health.
We have updated our on-line shop to let you know what products you can expect from Nature's Apprentice Farm this season. You can place your order at or at 613 255 5509 and have it delivered (Pakenham, Almonte and Blakeney only) or pick it up at the farm. We kindly ask that you wear a mask when you come out of your vehicle. If you don't want or can't wear a mask, please stay in your vehicle and we would be happy to assist you.
We encourage you to grow food too. We would be happy to share tips with whoever needs them. Check out our consulting services. Please let us know if we can support you in any other way.
Contact Us
Stay safe and healthy!
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