Inspire healthier family mealtime with vegetables delivered to your door

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100% chemical   free
Do you crave homegrown food but don't have the time or space to grow it?
Wilted vegetables from far away don't inspire healthy cooking or eating.
We harvest your vegetables right before you get them, so you can enjoy superior nutrition, taste and shelf life.
Shop now!
We asked our customers to define our products. They said "Fresh, Delicious, Healthy, Flavourful, Long-Lasting, Awesome!"
our salad
Meal planning doesn't have to be time consuming. Make eating healthy a breeze with our free choice Salad Subscription.
Order once and enjoy delicious and refreshing ingredients all summer long!
Fully customizable. Convenient pick-up or delivery
Get your Salad Subscription
Sue Murphy said: "We have really loved receiving our delivery every week, the salad and veggies are so fresh and delicious!"
Tired of roaming stores looking for the best looking vegetables? Get first dibs on the freshest ingredients with our Farm Membership
Choose from 3 different plans and enjoy discounts, free home delivery and more!
Become a Farm Member
Salad Subscribers can also be  Farm Members and order extra produce anytime. In fact, many people have joined both!
green lettuce
Imported foods can't compete with the taste and nutrition of freshly harvested products. Order yours at your convenience by joining our exclusive customer list!
You will get a produce list every Monday over the summer
Convenient pick-up and delivery available
Farm News
The Low family said "Our kids don't love salads, but after visiting the farm, they eat greens without hesitation. Freshly picked veggies just taste so much better!"
feeding chickscarrot digging

If you need a break from life's hectic pace, come for a Farm Tour!

Experience a sense of connection and calm at the farm.
We offer pre-booked tours the last Saturday of every month, June to October. If that does not suit you, please contact us. Please feel free to see our Covid adaptation plan
Do you dream of growing your own food or starting a small farm, but feel overwhelmed?
We hear you! There is so much information out there, it is hard to make sense of it and filter what is relevant for your context.
Let us guide you, avoid costly mistakes, and enjoy a seamless gardening experience
Gardening made simple
turnipsme heirloom
Brighten tough days with beauty and colour from our u-pick flower patch!
Bring your own container and scissors, and enjoy the blooming creativity these flowers will help you reach!
We will have cool water, extra containers and flower preservation tips here for you.
Check our hours

Spreading your love, maximizing your impact

When you buy food from Nature's Apprentice Farm, you help biodiversity in our local community and beyond, with 1% for the Planet.
1% for the planet

Connect with food and Nature

December 15, 2020
Farm membership

Join our Farm Membership and get amazing, exclusive benefits!  

May 3, 2020
Salad Subscription

Please visit our Salad Subscription page for details

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